Pro Tools

Pro Tools Talent

Pro Tools Talent

We hand pick all our Avid Pro Tools freelance talent, so you can trust all of our Pro Tools freelancers to be highly skilled professional editors, designers & mixers with many years experience across multiple genre.

Showing 9 out of 9 possible results.
Tim S. Creative EditingSound EditorEditor (Offline / Online)
Tim S.
Talent Details Tim is a very fast editor that can turn around and fine-cut scenes and programme material swiftly and accurately.
Scott M. Sound DesignerSound EditorDubbing Mixer
Scott M.
Talent Details Scott has over 14 years’ experience as a Re-Recording Mixer, Sound Designer / Editor and Immersive Audio Artist working across many genres including, Film, TV, Factual Entertainment, Commercials, 360 Video, Virtual Reality Audio Design and many other forms of Audio Post Production.
Matt S. Sound EditorDubbing Mixer
Matt S.
Talent Details Matt is a Brighton based Sound Designer/ Dubbing Mixer with 15 years industry experience.
Rowan J. Editor (Offline / Online)Creative Editing
Rowan J.
Talent Details Rowan is a creative, versatile, and technically astute editor, skilled on a range of long- and short- form projects - from branded content to documentaries, scripted reality to commercials.
Ian M. Sound EditorDubbing Mixer
Ian M.
Talent Details Ian has been a Sound Engineer on commercials, TV programmes, Radio and Web content for 15 years, working on high-end products and shows.
Luke S. Editor (Offline / Online)Creative Editing
Luke S.
Talent Details Luke is an experienced creative editor, working on long form, branded and short fiction content; His clients include NBC, ITV Studios, McDonalds and Dettol.
Dino S. Sound DesignerDubbing Mixer
Dino S.
Talent Details Dino has been working as a Dubbing Mixer/Sound Designer in London since 2003, in both permanent and freelance roles.
Giles L. Sound EditorDubbing Mixer
Giles L.
Talent Details Giles is a talented Pro Tools operator with an excellent ear and pleasant personality; he has a long track record of recording and mixing for a large variety of TV & Radio projects.
Sean S. Edit AssistantColouristEditor (offline)
Sean S.
Talent Details Sean is a creative, passionate and results orientated video editor with over 10 years experience.