An Intermediate After Effects 2020 Pro Tutorial Training Series (AE100T) from Soho Editors

An Intermediate After Effects 2020 Pro Tutorial Training Series (AE100T) from Soho Editors

5 Hours of Pro Video Tutorials

With over 5 hours of Adobe Certified Intermediate After Effects Pro Tutorials available, our tutorials take existing After Effects artists beyond the basic concepts of motion graphics and VFX and will introduce them to the more advanced features, including Expressions and Advanced 3D.

Adobe Certified Tutorials

Our Professional Adobe Certified Pro Video Tutorials cover the same lessons as our Adobe Certified Classroom Course and Live Online Class, recorded by our passionate Adobe Authorised Trainers. This series covers Advanced Motion Graphics, Expressions, Compositing Animation or 3D Cameras & Lighting with After Effects for experienced artists wanting to take it to the next level!

Unlimited Access Forever

Learn at your own pace with unlimited access forever to your tutorials. Stream anytime, anywhere. Why delay, get started now!

Learn from Anywhere

You can learn a new skill with our Adobe Certified Intermediate to After Effects 2020 Pro Video Tutorial Training Series from the comfort of your own home or office, at your own pace!

Duration: Full Series: 5 hours 7 minutes

Course Media Pack: 432 MB
(contact for your link)

Learn to create amazing motion graphics with After Effects like a Pro for ONLY £130.

Intermediate After Effects 2020 Pro Tutorial Training Series (AE200T) From Soho Editors from Soho Editors on Vimeo.

Duration: 1:17:34

What you will learn: Introduction: Expressions: 3D Animation: Working smart with PreComps.

Duration: 53:26
What you will learn:
2 Point Tracking: Rotobrush techniques: Text Range Animation.

Duration: 15:08
What you will learn: Problem solving 2 Point Tracks: Linking Shapes & Text: Adding Adobe Fonts.

Duration: 36:49
What you will learn: Stroke on Text: Stroke on artwork: Roughen Edges & Neon Effects.

Duration: 27:40

What you will learn: Animated Paint Effects: Twirl Effects: Effects Compositing Options.

Duration: 1:03:41
What you will learn: 3D Phone Comp: Creating Shapes from Illustrator files: Repeating textures: Track Mattes: Adding a 3D Light & Camera.

Duration: 32:30
What you will learn: 3D Camera Tracking: 3D Reflections: Dynamic Linking with Premiere Pro.

If you would like to take this course in our Central London Classroom or Live Online, find our more.
