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Alex Snelling

Alex Snelling Editor (Offline / Online), Compositor, Camera Operator, Director, Designer.

Alex started work as an editor in Soho and has been working
with Soho Editors for almost 20 years. He has spent long periods as a promo
producer and an independent producer/ director and continues to edit with
clients ranging from Apple to independent event organisers.
Alex has edited twice for legendary director Julien Temple, The Sex Pistols, The Scissor Sisters and Alexander McQueen and is a regular at the BBC.
He has supervised workflow and written at enterprise level, for clients such as BBC, FIFA and Apple and has trained Final Cut Pro around the world for the last ten years.
His paper “Final Cut Pro X In A Shared Environment” is the definitive document on this subject and takes pride of place amongst other white papers on Apple’s own website.
Alex won the East End Film Festival with his feature documentary Tantric Tourists.
Alex has been one of Apple's leading certified trainers since 2003, soon becoming the Mentor for Final Cut Pro 7 & X, delivering Train The Trainer Courses across Europe.
Dir. Julien Temple - Editor. Sex Pistols Live In Brixton - full length concert, shot over four nights combining many formats.
Dir. Julien Temple - Editor. Scissor Sisters Live in Brighton. Winner Best Live Music DVD Music Week CADS Awards 2005
Music Promo - HD - FCPX Editor
More Protein - label - on and offline
Promo, Freemantle Media - Promo Producer & Editor.
Seminal catwalk from the master
showman for YouTube - Editor
FCP Support Editor - Alex supervised and supported the entire FCP7 edit workflow for HBS, the official FIFA TV broadcast supplier for the entire World Cup. This included managing the use of Final Cut Server and Studio across a 50-client XSAN with over 80 users.
Final Cut Pro X workflow architect - Alex successfully designed and implemented the entire workflow for this fast turnaround “as-live” sports broadcast integrating Final Cut Pro X and XSAN with growing files for the first time in the world.
Full-length feature documentary. HD - Winner Best Debut Feature. East End Film Festival
Scissor Sisters doc. Dir. Julien Temple – online and colour grade
50 x short films cut live on the show floor on
FCPX at Berlin CET show over two days.
Six-month contract. FCP editor/trainer
promo for yoga centre - FCPX
Short film shot on streets in Mumbai - Bermuda International FF
Comedy - Starring Cavan Clerkin and Katy Carmichael
Alex Snelling's Software Skills
Alex first used Final Cut Pro in 1999 and has continued to this day as one of the worlds most informed and skilled Final Cut Pro trainers.
He has been Apple's Mentor Trainer, delivering Train The Trainers courses for Final Cut Pro X & 7 since 2003.
Alex is a master of Motion 5, with unparalleled knowledge and experience of Apple's Motion software since its launch. There's nothing Alex doesn't know about Motion 5.
Alex was Apple's leading Mentor Trainer for the previous version of Final Cut Pro since version 3.