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Rushane S.
Rushane S. Editor (offline), Promo Producer, Colourist, Title Designer, Sound Designer, Creative Editing.

Rushane is a Freelance Creative Editor who has had 10+ experience in the film and television industry; that includes working as a Creative Producer for Sony Picture Broadcast Television Network, where she has produced bespoke promotional campaigns for our movie, kids and music channels. I have cut trailers and sizzles for many trailer houses such as Create Advertising and Zealot Productions. She has collaborated with indie directors, editing short films which have had international success in the festival circuit.
10 sec Online Spot, Create Advertising (Adobe Premiere)
10 sec Instagram Podcast, Create Advertising (Adobe Premiere)
10 sec Online Spot, Create Advertising (Adobe Premiere)
3 min advert showcasing 2021 Hackathon Event at Bain & Company (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
10 min presentation screened for an event held by Bain & Company (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec episodic promos (weekly) Sony Channel (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec episodic promos (weekly) Sony Channel (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec episodic promos (weekly) Sony Channel (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec episodic promos (weekly) Sony Channel (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec original promo campaign, Sony Movie Channel (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec promo stunt, Pop Max, Sony (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec weekly promo stunt, True Movies, Sony (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec promo, Tiny Pop, Sony (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec promo stunt, Pop Max, Sony (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
30 sec promo, Tiny Pop, Sony (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
1 min food reels, RS Foods Youtube Channel, (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
12 min short film horror (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
10 min short film drama (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
10 min short film drama (Adobe Premiere/AFX)
Rushane S.'s Software Skills
Rushane is a highly skilled Premiere pro editor.
Rushane is an advanced AFX operator.
Advanced level.