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Monica L.
Monica L. Animator, Art Director, Compositor, Designer, Title Designer.

Monica is a London based digital artist with a career spanning from illustration, design / print for fashion & editorial, including also many years in the animation, post-production and visual effects fields.
Monica has advanced experience, in rotoscoping with Mocha for AFX, matte painting & photography retouching, plus illustration & traditional animation, also good experience in storyboarding / visual mock-ups / animatics.
TV advertisement. Mother London (PSD / Mocha-AFX / concept & matte painting / rotoscoping)
TV advertisement. Cranrust VFX (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting / rotoscoping)
Online ad. Cranrust VFX (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting / rotoscoping)
TV advertisement. Mother London (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte clean up)
TV advertisement. M&C Saatchi (Mocha-AFX / rotoscoping)
music promo. Cranrust VFX (Mocha-AFX / rotoscoping)
music promo. Broken Antenna (Mocha-AFX / rotoscoping)
music promo. Gas & Electric (Mocha-AFX / keying / rotoscoping)
music promo. Stem studios (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
music promo. Broken Antenna & Mother London (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
music promo. Edmund Fraser (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
Broken Antenna & Cranrust VFX. (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
Mother London & Cranrust VFX. (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
2 X 4 mins Animatic storyboads. Mother London (PSD / AFX / illustration / compositing)
3 mins Animatic motion comic. Brave Spark (PSD / AFX / Illustration / compositing)
5 mins promotional film. Concept, production and design of the video for the game’s publisher Modiphius Entertainment (PSD / AFX / matte painting / compositing)
Feature film. Concept & design of opening titles. Goldfinch & Posterity Pictures (PSD / Illustrator)
Netflix 3D animation pre-school series. Spider Eye Studios / Uninaco (AFX / Maya / CGI multi-pass compositing)
TV series & Christmas Special. Cranrust VFX (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting, keying & rotoscoping)
TV series, BBC & Cranrust VFX (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting, rotoscoping)
Netflix series, Season 4 ‘Arkangel’. Baseblack (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting, keying & rotoscoping)
TV film. BBC (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
promotional material for Instagram. Mother London (Mocha-AFX / rotoscoping)
promotional video. Raw Capture Productions (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting / rotoscoping)
promotional video. Raw Capture Productions (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting / rotoscoping)
promotional video. Props removal + Adjustment editing. Film Shed (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting / rotoscoping)
promotional video. Cranrust VFX (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting / rotoscoping)
Feature film. Design and matte painting of a futuristic background for a scene. Cranrust VFX & Film Shed (PSD / Mocha-AFX / concept, matte painting & rotoscoping)
Feature film. Goldfinch & Posterity Pictures (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
Feature film. Cranrust VFX (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
Feature film. Film Shed & Cranrust VFX (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
Feature film. TESA PRODUCTION & Cranrust VFX (PSD / Mocha-AFX / matte painting & rotoscoping)
Carlton Books (PSD / Illustration)
Various illustrations for the company’s magazine (PSD / Illustration)
Illustration for promotional material (PSD / Illustration)
Illustration for promotional material (PSD / Illustration)
Photo retouching for the book of Photographer Jean Claude Lagreze. Martiniere BL (PSD)
Monica L.'s Software Skills
Monica uses PS on an advanced level.
Monica uses AFX on an intermediate/advanced level.
Monica uses Illustrator on an intermediate level.
Monica uses Mocha on an intermediate level.
Monica uses Maya to enhance her work.