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Josh C.
Josh C. Creative Editing, Editor (Offline / Online), Editor (offline), Editor (online), Colourist, Audio Editor.

Josh started out working as a Video Editor/Camera Operator for British Photographer Rankin, creating Fashion, Music, Commercial and Documentary Videos. Then in 2015 he entered the Freelance world and has never looked back. He has worked for a variety of clients since including: Burberry, Gucci, Atlantic Records, Charlotte Tilbury, Reese's Chocolate, COPA90, Just So Productions, REN Skincare. Josh was also lucky enough to have edited two of Clean Bandits music videos; Solo and I Miss You. Having recently started creating his own Twitch gaming content as well as Podcasting!
MGFX reel available upon request.
9-10mins. Lead Editor for the full show of Burberry’s latest collection. (Offline & Online. DaVinci Resolve)
20sec social edits celebrating the Burberry TB Monogram around the world. (Offline & Online. Premiere Pro)
30/20sec social edits celebrating the Burberry TB monogram through flying drones. (Offline & Online. Premiere Pro)
9-10mins. Edit Assistant. Leant support to the lead editor in creating the full show edit. (Offline & Online. DaVinci Resolve)
4x30-60sec edits showcasing Burberry’s latest post-purchase product care services. (Offline & Online. Premiere Pro)
Sloane Street Sq Store – 30s edit showcasing the opening of a new store. (Offline & Online. Premiere Pro)
James Harden – ‘Free To Do London’. 2m17s. American basketball player links up with Arsenal football team and explores sport in the UK. (Edit Assistant. Premiere Pro)
Grow 2019 – Dadbod Films. 3mins. Internal Event Video with guest speakers and workshops. (Online & Offline Premiere Pro).
‘Be Happy In Your Own Skin’ – 30sec. TVC/In Store/Online – Commercial showcasing REN’s natural ingredient based products, to expand the brand into Scandinavia. (Offline. Premiere Pro)
3m12s. Music Video, Globe Productions. (Offline & Online. Premiere Pro)
3m44s. Music Video, Warner Music Group. (Offline & Online. Premiere Pro).
3m37s. Music Video, Warner Music Group. (Offline & Online. Premiere Pro).
4x2-3min. Mini Docu edits exploring 4 different stories of young women in football. (Offline & Online. Premiere Pro)
5m37s. Globe Productions. Stormzy, Dapper vs Lingard and Rashford playing Fifa. (Offline, Online, GFX, VFX. Premiere Pro & After Effects).
Create and Edit own video game content under the name ‘Side of Chips’.
Josh C.'s Software Skills
Advanced pp editor.
Mid level colourist.
Mid / Advanced AFX op.