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Ellea F.
Ellea F. Motion Graphic Designer, Designer, Creative Editing, Editor (Offline / Online).

Ellea is a punchy London-based creative who has both a freelance and agency background. She has an array of creative skills from art direction to motion design, creating bright, punchy designs across all platforms to turn heads and that will never be forgotten. She has worked with a range of blue chip clients in the healthcare, banking and food & drink sectors, including HSBC and Barefoot Wine.
Banking giant HSBC required a series of explainer animations and infographics that would sit across their website to help explain the specialist matter. Some of the topics included housing, credit scores, and insurance. Sticky Content (After effects & Adobe Illustrator)
Sainsbury's has announced that they are going net zero by 2040! They required a bright and punchy hero infographic design and supporting social assets focusing on their net zero goals and what they have already achieved. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator)
Banking brand Halifax needed a range of social content to support and promote their home survey. A range of statistics and quotes were pulled from the report to focus the social content narrative around. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator)
Gallo owned wine brand, Barefoot required a series of ongoing creative animations to post across their social channels. The creative focused around new product launches and occasions where you can drink your favourite bottle of Barefoot around friends. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator)
Slick, tech inspired suite of creative assets for their social channels. The visuals covering many touch points such as recruitment, facts and stats. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
Tempur needed a range of ongoing creative and digital assets to promote their brand and products, along with their signature Tempur material and their sustainability values. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
Smart energy saving brand Hive, needed a range of illustrations and animations to sit across their website and accompany their blog posts. Ellea created a series of bright, stylised-down illustrations throughout the winter period to promote their products. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
Sealife London needed a series of social content to promote their experiences throughout the Christmas period. I created a series of instagram stories promoting the aquariums favourite penguin personalities. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
Catrice Cosmetics needed artwork to promote their new products. The artwork sat across social and their website. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
Stationary giant Stabilo required a series of ongoing creative to be featured across their social channels. Ellea designed various short animations to raise awareness of the brands deals and collaborations. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
Marketing agency Sticky needed a new illustration style to go with their new brand, along with a series of ongoing social content. She designed a suite of illustrations, infographics and animated social posts for the agency to create their in-house creative style. Ellea also created and edited quarterly sizzle reels for the agency to showcase their latest creative work. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
Working with Lloyds Bank for 2.5 years on an array of both corporate and commercial content including social campaigns, motion graphic overlays for videos, full video/interview edits on a range of topics and Podcast idents. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro)
Nasty Gal needed a series of animations to promote their brand which would sit across their social and website. The short punchy gifs promoted their trending promotions. (After effects & Adobe Illustrator, Premier Pro)
Ellea F.'s Software Skills
Ellea is a Motion Designer who use AFX to an advanced level.
Ellea uses PP to a mid level.
Ellea uses Illustrator to an advanced level.
Ellea is a photoshop whizz.
Advanced Indesign skills.