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Alessandro C.
Alessandro C. 3D Animator, Animator, Motion Graphic Designer, 3D Modeller, Sound Designer, Sound Editor.
 Profile Picture Alessandro C.jpg)
Alessandro is a full time freelance senior animator and motion graphic designer. He has a vast experience in video explainers, social media content and a lengthy expertise in animatics that has been his main focus since the beginning of his career. He worked directly with Ad agencies and animation studios for almost two decades, gaining a thorough understanding of the production process from storyboarding, supervising artwork creation, crafting the animation and sound design with great attention to the finer details.
30 sec animatics. TVC animation prototype for research. Runningman (AFX / 3D modeling)
30 sec fluidomatic. TVC animation prototype for research. Runningman (AFX / Green Screen)
30 sec fluidomatic. TVC animation prototype for research. Runningman (AFX)
30 sec animatic. TVC animation prototype for research. Runningman (AFX)
30 sec animatics and fluidomatics. TVC prototypes for research. Runningman (AFX / 3D modeling and animation / Green Screen)
30 sec animatic. TVC animation prototype for research. StageOne (AFX)
30 sec animatics. TVC animation prototype for research. StageOne (AFX / 3D modeling)
4 min video explainer. Health tips for long haul flights. Headspace / Virgin Atlantic (AFX / Sound Design)
2 min video explainer. Health tips for long haul flights. Headspace (AFX / Sound Design)
2 min video explainer introducing “gamification”. Runningman (AFX / Sound Design)
60 sec social media content. I am squarehead (AFX / Sound Design)
Alessandro C.'s Software Skills
Alessandro uses AFX on an advanced level.
Alessandro uses C4D on an intermediate level.
Alessandro uses Illustrator on an advanced level.
Alessandro uses PS on an advanced level.
Alessandro uses PP on an advanced level.