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Europe’s premiere event for the all new Final Cut Pro X 10.3 coming to London 15th & Berlin 18th November.
Coming to London 15th & Berlin 18th November
Europe’s premiere event for the all new Final Cut Pro X 10.3 with an exclusive Apple presentation.
Amazing Case Studies, Expert Workflows & Partners. Find out more about FCPXWorld here.
Register now!
15th November, 2016
14:00 - 18:30
FCPXWorld - London
18th November, 2016
14:00 - 18:30
FCPXWorld - Berlin
Login to Register for this event
18th November, 2016 14:00 (4 hours, 30 minutes)
BESL MEISTERSAALKG Köthener Straße 38 10963 Berlin Join us at FCPXWorld in BerlinEurope’s first showing of the all new Final Cut Pro X with an exclusive Apple presentation. |