On May the 4th Only- 30% OFF Cinema 4D

On May the 4th Only- 30% OFF Cinema 4D

Published 28th April, 2017 in Corporate.

-On May the 4th Only-

30% OFF Cinema 4D

including Perpetual, Short-term and Upgrade Licensing

Join the Rebellion. Enjoy Huge Savings.

Whether you're new to Cinema 4D, want to upgrade or need an additional license, you save 30%. But only for 24 hours!*

Maxon FLash Sale

On Thursday, May 4, 2017, you will be able to purchase all Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D licenses and updates* for 30% less!

Whether you're new to Cinema 4D or BodyPaint 3D, want to upgrade, or simply purchase an additional license, this is your chance. All you need to do is order online or call Maxon on 0333 7720444.

Cinema 4D is an industry-leading, 3D motion graphics toolkit known for its seamless connectivity to popular 2D motion graphics and compositing tools. Artists and designers around the world rely on the professional 3D software package, as the first choice to create high-end 3D images and animations for film, television/broadcast, architecture, games, multimedia, design and engineering. Cinema 4D is renowned for offering spectacular image quality and an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that puts professional results within reach of artists at all levels of CGI experience.
